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Service Update
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Get In Touch

Due to the overwhelming demand for our hatch service we have had to make the difficult decision to pause referrals. We understand that for those wishing to access our support that this will be disappointing news. However, we have a large number of young people already waiting to attend sessions and we have a commitment to providing high quality support as quickly as we can for these young people.

Our team are working tirelessly to seek additional funding that would allow us to increase our capacity to accept more referrals and support more young people.

We will have an update for you on our website in early October that will outline our next steps.

If you need support please see the below services and resources:


Wirral Talking Together- https://www.insightiapt.org/locations/wirral/

Response- https://www.talktofrank.com/treatment-centre/response

Family Toolbox- https://familytoolbox.co.uk/search/?_sf_s=counselling


SENDLO- https://www.sendlowirral.co.uk

Contact- https://contact.org.uk

Child Autism- https://www.childautism.org.uk/for-families/

Eating disorders

BEAT- https://www.beateatingdisorders.org.uk

Talk ED- https://www.talk-ed.org.uk

Domestic abuse

Paul Lavelle- ‘FYP- For you Project- https://paullavellefoundation.co.uk/what-we-do/fyp-for-you-project/

Tomorrow’s Young Women- https://www.tomorrowswomen.org.uk/tomorrows-young-women

Sexual Abuse

RASA Merseyside- https://www.rasamerseyside.org

Barnardo’s- https://www.barnardos.org.uk/what-we-do/protecting-children/sexual-abuse


Child Bereavement UK- https://www.childbereavementuk.org

Winston’s Wish- https://www.winstonswish.org/supporting-you/supporting-a-bereaved-child/

There are also some great general support services and directories for young people;

The Mix- https://www.themix.org.uk

KOOTH- https://www.kooth.com

ZillowWirral- https://www.zillowirral.co.uk

Young Minds- https://www.youngminds.org.uk

The Family Toolbox- https://familytoolbox.co.uk

We are really pleased to be in a position to continue offering activities during school holidays, please check out our website for updates- https://www.hatchmerseyside.co.uk/hatch-summer-timetable/

Thanks for your understanding and continued support.


A fantastic team of volunteer mentors support our young people, click below to find out more.


Follow us

To keep track of our latest news, updates and amazing work, please follow our Instagram @hatch_merseyside



Any donation, however large or small, will help young people to access our free an immediate support.


Access support

Please complete our referral form to access mental health and wellbeing support for a young person aged 8-16.